"Scars to Your Beautiful" A Musical Analysis Blog

 "Scars to Your Beautiful" A Musical Analysis Blog

Scars to your beautiful was released in 2015 and became a radio hit the following year in 2016. It was written by Alessia Cara with the help of Warren Felder, Andrew Wansel, Coleridge Tillman, and Justin Franks. This song seemed to be released at the perfect time during my early teen years. At that time, I was struggling with my body image and the constant comparison to other girls, who were showcased on social media. The positive message in this song helped to pull me out of such a dark and judgmental place and learn to gain self-confidence. This song falls under the pop genre and presents an important message that so many young girls and boys can identify with. 

Scars to Your Beautiful-Alessia Cara-2015,USA


The musical element in this song that resonates with me the most are the lyrics. It is apparent that these lyrics are more than just words to go with the melody. The lyrics were thoughtfully written by incorporating the shared pain and struggles of so many girls and boys. With her lyrics of "She just wants to be beautiful" and "You don't have to change a thing, the world could change it's heart", Alessia Cara sings about many of the mental health and body issues that so many girls and boys experience. She also identifies the culprit of these insecurities as social media and society itself. 

A couple of the musical elements that compliment these raw lyrics are the instrumental and vocal accompaniment as well as timbre.  

Accompaniment & Timbre

The accompaniment and timbre help underscore the meaning of the lyrics. The song begins with electronic piano chords accompanying the softly sung, pained lyrics in verse 1. A simple drum beat along with snaps are added in the background as the lyrics become more positive and uplifting, "Oh, she don't see the light that's shining". A stronger beat along with supporting vocals help build into the inspirational chorus of the song, which is also sung in a higher pitch, "But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark". This change in both the pitch and the accompaniment helps convey the newfound confidence in the lyrics. For the second verse, the accompaniment returns back to simple piano chords and a drum beat while more somber lyrics are sung, before repeating the pattern again.

Some of the more technical aspects of the song such as the rhythm, beat, and tempo, also help to accentuate the meaning of the song.

Rhythm, Beat & Tempo

The meter in this song is a simple and pleasing 4/4, which helps to focus the majority of the attention on the lyrics and their meaning. The rhythm starts at a comfortable walking speed, or andante in verse 1 before slowly building into a more energizing and moderately fast or moderato pace, at 97 BPM (beats per minute) for the chorus.

Other opinions on the song

Scars to Your Beautiful encompasses many of the issues women endure on a daily basis so it is no surprise that it was well received by critics and struggling girls and boys alike. The song was featured #8 in top 10 single on the US Hot 100. "Alessia Cara isn't afraid to talk cutting, tears and eating disorders, before getting to the uplifting chorus, where she delivers some of the most empowering, horizon-expanding lyrics of this year" (Scars to Your Beautiful, 13 September,2021). The music video enhances her message by depicting highlights of the struggles different women have faced. "This song really helps me boost my confidence to the highest level."(Cuyos,2021).


"Scars to Your Beautiful." Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 13 September 2021. Web. 20 September,2021.  

Scars to Your Beautiful - Wikipedia

Cuyos, Cecel Ann. "Song Review: Scars To Your Beautiful." The Titan, 22 Mar. 2021,

Song Review: Scars To Your Beautiful – The Titan (nipomotitans.org)


  1. I love this song! Every time I listen to it it's such a great reminder that everyone is unique and perfect in their own way :) This song definitely builds on itself, just like the singer is slowly uplifting and portraying confidence to the listener. I like how you specified the tempo and gave examples for the beginning and chorus. I found this article that talks directly to Alessia Cara about what inspired her to write this song and how she was feeling about herself at the time she wrote it. I thought it was really interesting and empowering to hear her open up about her problems with the whole world.
    Article: https://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/pop/7468466/alessia-cara-hair-loss-scars-to-your-beautiful

  2. I haven't actually listened to the whole song before! It was always playing from other people and I had no idea who sung the song or what the song's actual name is. I love the speed and how the dynamic gets louder as the uplifting phrases begin, as if they're making sure you can hear them. The analysis I've done about the song hasn't brought up much, just definitions of the lyrics(there's also been a lot of blog posts about this song, I'm a little surprised about it, https://prezi.com/h9781cudj5_o/scars-to-your-beautiful-by-alessia-cara/ is also an analysis done in a powerpoint style). In short, I agree about this song, it's absolutely gorgeous.
    I don't listen to much popular music, but this one is definitely going into my playlist. I also can't think of a song to recommend, it seems like you've got a good playlist too!

  3. Hello! I was also obsessed with this song during my early teen years. It’s crazy to think how music can help express feelings so much. When listening to this song, I never paid attention to the timbre detail. The way you explained it makes so much sense as if the background instruments are telling the same exact story as the lyrics are. It is also very simple so that it doesn’t take away from the lyrics. Here is a dance video to this song that I enjoy very much. I love how dance and music go hand-in-hand. https://youtu.be/ZefOM0AU1cM

  4. Oliviaaaaa, I loooove this song! It is so inspirational! I have two children and I have been so insecure about my body because I have lost so much weight after. This song never fails to take me back to feeling good about myself. The music video with people's individual stories REALLY brings to reality of this issue, and it is always good to recognize yourself and others when thy get back on their shinin'.


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